Monday, April 13, 2015

An "Average" Day for a Principal

I thought I would share what a typical day for me might look like at our school so I picked Monday (today).

Here is what my schedule looked like BEFORE the day started:

7:30- check my own preschooler into his class
7:35-7:45 -Drop Off Curb Duty
7:45-  Morning Announcements
8:00 - Observe teacher in classroom
9:00- 504 Plan meeting (may have to step into this)
9:00-10:00 - Read and review required items for accreditation review team I will be serving on in two weeks
10:00- 504 Plan meeting (may have to step into this)
11:00-  College Signing Day planning meeting  (for Seniors on May 1)
12:50 -1:15 - Meet with teacher about upcoming units in Science
3:00 - Meeting at public school district office about Special Ed. offerings for 2015-16 to private schools
4:00-5:30 - Extra-Curricular Committee meeting

Here is what my schedule looked like as the day wore on:

7:30-7:45 -same
7:45 - walk to gym for update on progress on HVAC installation in gym and other areas of school needed for expansion
8:15 - meet with Assistant Principal to look at week ahead
9:00 - meet with teacher re: classroom concerns
9:45 -meeting re: school remodeling and new developments for next two weeks
10:00 -meeting with staff member re: next year
10:15 -meeting with student re: discipline issue
10:35 -meeting with Student Services Coordinator re: specific student, upcoming testing and meeting that day with public school district
10:50- meeting with parent re: student needs
11:00 -meet with staff re: College Signing Day coming up May 1
11:10-11:30- met with parent regarding student discipline concern
11:30-read and returned emails; worked on minutes for Extra-Curricular committee; developed alternate schedule for elementary specials and lunch during Xtreme Week next week, spoke with parent on the phone
12:15-went over issues with Master Schedule for MS/HS next year for input into SIS
12:30-ate lunch while discussing summer program with Preschool Director
12:50 -met with teacher re: planning for human body units I taught last year for 4/5th grade and shared materials/labs
1:20-scheduled observations for this week and next
1:35 -double checked lesson plans and schedules for Xtreme Week next week
2:00- formulate spreadsheet for Extra-Curricular Budget for 2015-16 for meeting
2:40 -spoke with parent on phone regarding concerns for student for next year and probable enrollment for additional sibling
3:00-read and returned emails, double checked materials needed for 4:00 meeting; talked to my children and arranged after school activity for them; discussed summer program work opportunities with high school students
4:00-5:45 Extra-Curricular Committee meeting
5:45 - signed PO requests and checks
6:05 - made final plans for field trip tomorrow for Junior class to a college fair at nearby college
6:15 -went through my mail box, signed forms needing signature, tossed junk mail, sorted mail for what needs my attention tomorrow; updated weekly calendar; set up trial lessons for teacher candidates for next year for next two weeks
7:15 - locked up and left for home

My attention is constantly redirected.  I knew the day coming back from Spring Break would be a little chaotic so I expected it.  I try to carve out time for specific tasks, but today, I spent most of my time in meetings and in my office.  Tomorrow, I hope to be in classrooms and out in the hallways more.  I really enjoy seeing and working with my students!  It truly takes a balance of the administrative tasks coupled with interpersonal tasks to make my job successful.  Being accessible and approachable is vital to maintaining a healthy school administration.  However, I still have to carve out time to shut the door,  pray, plan, consult, read, think and dream!

What kind of day is your typical day?

How do you cope when your plans are turned inside out and upside down, all before 8 am?

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