Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer Reading

Summer vacation has officially begun.

Backpacks are unpacked and homework discarded for summer.  If you are like me, I try to have something productive for my kids to still do during the summer.  Having a small routine helps curb the "I'm bored" phrase, that I abhor, from being uttered as much.  I also institute  the "NO SCREENS of any kind rule" until certain things are accomplished - chores, summer reading, math practice, etc.  As a mom and an educator, I want my kids to be lifelong learners and readers.  Helping them find books or reading material they enjoy reading and material they are capable of reading independently is important to aid them in feeling successful and not frustrated.

Image result for summer reading

We have kicked off summer reading this summer at TFCA with our k-8th grades logging summer reading minutes with Scholastic. One of the great tools with this is that teachers can see how their students are doing.  Kids can totally log this themselves and earn badges, see sample chapters of books and read them and watch how many minutes they read each week.  You can see link here at:

For all the students who reach the grade level goals set by teachers we will have a party the Friday afternoon of the first week back to school. YEAH!

Many ask "why do summer reading?" and have the opinion that summer should just be free and fun. So much research backs up the practice of summer reading. Students who do not read over the summer often see a setback of up to 3 months worth of reading skills. Reading increases vocabulary and keeps their brains from turning into mush!  Again, our goal is not to torture children and parents, but to encourage lifelong reading and learning!

Reading can be fun!!!

One of the most important factors to insure success is STUDENT CHOICE. 

Here are a few cute ideas from Pinterest I found to encourage creativity with your kids in regards to summer reading or reading logs:

FREE Reading Logs Kids Can Color - This Reading Mama


The "Tower of Books" Challenge {An Independent Reading Challenge}


A CUTE book report for summer reading

Some other helpful thoughts:

* Check out the local public library.  Public libraries are full of summer programs to encourage reading.
* Google lists for your child's age or lexile number (found on recent spring testing results).
* Spend an afternoon or evening at a local bookstore (Poor Richard's Books, Barnes and Noble, Joseph Beth, etc.) and let everyone take home a good book.
* Model reading for your kids - read the paper, read your bible, read a magazine, read through a book a chapter a night with the whole family, or listen to audio books on CD in the car.
* Get together with several families and do a book exchange once or twice over the summer.  Everyone goes home with a new book to read - FREE!
* Talk to your kids about what you are reading.  Share why you like or dislike a character, a lesson you learned from the text, a particular passage that was meaningful or challenging to you, etc.
* Ask them about what they are reading.  Get them to describe characters, setting, conflict, plot, etc. and push them to look for theme or meaning in their reading.

Enjoy your summer and I hope you enjoy your reading!

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